Badel Plavac Mali Red Wine 750ml

Badel Plavac Mali Red Wine 750ml
Plavac, one of the wines from the Peljesec palette of Plavac variety but it excels with its ruby red colour, developed varietal aroma and full yet harmonious taste with a slight sharp note. Produced by the Badel team, this an absolutely delicious drop.
The most important autochthonous red grape variety in Croatia, originating from Crienko, known as Zinfandel or Primitivo in Italy. The best results are achieved in positions facing the sea and on rough ground on the Peljesac peninsula and the island of Hvar. It is a healthy grape variety rich in polyphenols, anthocyanins, minerals and vitamins.Plavac mali wines are rich, strong, powerful and full-bodied. Complex, intense aromas, high level of tannins.
Ruby red color, developed varietal aroma and full, but harmonious taste with a slightly sharp tone.
Suggested Serving Temperature: 18°C
Size 750ml
Product of Croatia
- Details such as bottle labels and vintages could vary and may change from our suppliers without notice. If you require a specific image or label please reach out before ordering.