Bovin Alexander Red Wine 750ml

Bovin Alexander Red Wine 750ml
Bovin Alexander is a superior dry red wine from BOVIN. It is a proprietary blend of Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Vranec. Its colour is intense purple. On the nose it's full of red fruit and berries with a wonderful complex aroma and a rich and full taste. Its herbal fruity tones make this wine unforgettable. Alexander is best served at 12-14ºC with beef, roasted pork, veal, lamb, and grilled meats.
Explore the exquisite range of Bovin Wines at Podrum Food & Liquor, your trusted source for fine Serbian wines in Australia. Known for their exceptional quality and rich flavours, Bovin wines are crafted using the finest local grapes, offering a taste of the Balkans with every bottle. Order your favorite Bovin wines online today and enjoy fast delivery across Australia, bringing the elegance of Serbian winemaking straight to your doorstep.
Product of Macedonia
- Details such as bottle labels and vintages could vary and may change from our suppliers without notice. If you require a specific image or label please reach out before ordering.