Maraska Pear Kruskovac Liqueur 750ml

Maraska Pear Kruskovac Liqueur 750ml
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Maraska Kruskovac in its beautiful decanter shows off the fine golden liqueur inside. This sweet liqueur is made up of tree-ripened pears. The juicy pears, grown in Croatia are full of taste and characteristic aromas. Excellent with cakes or other desserts. Serve it chilled in long-stemmed small liqueur glasses.
There are a few cities and companies that have such a rich and glorious tradition in liqueur production like Zadar and Maraska. More than five centuries of experiences and tradition in production of liqueurs and alcoholic drinks have been joined into today's company. Maraska is a modern Croatian company with a long tradition in production and sale of alcohol drinks like the Maraska Kruskovac Pear Liqueur.
Alcohol strength: 25%
Volume: 750 ml
Volume: 750 ml
- Details such as bottle labels and vintages could vary and may change from our suppliers without notice. If you require a specific image or label please reach out before ordering.