Stemmed Liqueur Tulip Glasses 55ml - 6 Pack

Stemmed Liqueur Tulip Glasses 55ml - 6 Pack
Stemmed Liqueur Tulip Glasses 55ml - 6 Pack
Stemmed Liqueur Tulip Glasses 55ml - 6 Pack

Stemmed Liqueur Tulip Glasses 55ml - 6 Pack

Regular price $16.99

Perfect stemmed glass for any brandy or liqueur. The Tulip-style silhouette of these glasses has been designed to provide the perfect tasting experience.

The exaggerated bowl shape provides ample room for the complex flavours and aromas of your drink to mature and develop before encouraging them upward to gather at the top, serving as the perfect invitation for their guest to engage their senses. A subtle flare at the lip of the glass directs the liquid across as much of the tongue as possible, maximising flavour.

Shop a wide range of rakija glasses at Podrum Food & Liquor. 

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  • Details such as bottle labels and vintages could vary and may change from our suppliers without notice. If you require a specific image or label please reach out before ordering.
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Cheers to Flavourful Moments!