Mumm Grand Cordon Champagne 750ml

Mumm Grand Cordon Champagne 750ml
Regular price
Mumm has a long and proud history of producing the one of the world's most consistent Non-Vintage Champagnes on the market with elegance, length of flavour and a pristine finish. Mumm's quality year in, year out is assisted along by the quite staggering amount of reserve stock available in their cellars consisting of all their prestige wines. Not only is this the perfect celebratory Champagne it is also a wonderful food pairing wine due to the high proportion of Pinot Noir lending a definite complexity that has become a trademark. An explosion of freshness in the mouth, followed by strong persistence. The complex aromas of fresh fruit and caramel perpetuate the intensity.
- Details such as bottle labels and vintages could vary and may change from our suppliers without notice. If you require a specific image or label please reach out before ordering.