Plavac Mali Pelješac 750ml
Plavac Mali Pelješac 750ml
Plavac Mali Pelješac Wine from Drače Winery is a premium red wine that beautifully captures the essence of Croatia's renowned Pelješac wine region. Grown in the sun-drenched vineyards of Vinogorije Pelješki Vrhovi, this wine is made from Plavac Mali grapes, the crown jewel of Croatian winemaking. With a deep ruby color, it offers rich aromas of ripe dark fruits, such as blackberries and plums, complemented by subtle spice and earthy undertones. The wine is well-structured with a balanced acidity, smooth tannins, and a long, harmonious finish.
Ideal for pairing with grilled meats, seafood, or mature cheeses, Plavac Mali Pelješac is the perfect expression of Croatian heritage and craftsmanship. Experience the tradition of Pelješac with every sip and indulge in the flavours of one of Croatia’s most celebrated wine regions.
Drače Vinarija Vinogorije Peljesac
Peljeski Vrhovi PZ Plavac Mali Pelješac
Product of Croatia
Volume: 750ml
- Details such as bottle labels and vintages could vary and may change from our suppliers without notice. If you require a specific image or label please reach out before ordering.