Gružanska Zlatna Nit Plum 750ml

Gružanska Zlatna Nit Plum 750ml

Gružanska Zlatna Nit Plum 750ml

Regular price $81.99

The brandy is aged in oak barrels made from selected Kitnjak oak species from the Miroč mountain, in the cellar, under the supervision of an expert and a good host, and during aging the primary smell of toast transforms into a refined noise that makes this brandy extremely appealing. Oak does not dominate the brandy but is skillfully used to blend into the brandy and to enhance it. Gružanska Zlatna Nit is a plum cake with an extremely pleasant taste, produced with the application of the highest achievements in the production of strong alcoholic beverages, the brandy has an exceptional harmony, a particularly pleasant and slightly developed smell Gružanska Zlatna Nit has won numerous awards and recognitions at domestic and international fairs.

40% Alc

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Cheers to Flavourful Moments!