Aura Fernet Amaro 78 500ml
Aura Fernet Amaro 78 500ml
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This is a herbal liqueur produced from a base of grain distillate, through maceration and infusions of wild herbs, citrus peels, spices, and roots. According to a special family recipe, we use 78 different, yet most commonly used ingredients in our production, which is why the number 78 was added to its name.
Fernet refers to the production style or category of the beverage, meaning it is classified as an alcohol made from a combination of aromatic herbs and spices.
It is especially enjoyable when consumed as a digestive, chilled to 8-10°C.
Alcohol Volume 34.74%
- Details such as bottle labels and vintages could vary and may change from our suppliers without notice. If you require a specific image or label please reach out before ordering.