Zvonko Bogdan Chardonnay 750ml

Zvonko Bogdan Chardonnay 750ml
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Fullness, juiciness and power of fruity aromas.
Chardonnay purebred, richly scented with an abundance of ripe mango, passion fruit and ripe summer melon. The rich fruity character is complemented by fine tones of hazelnut, butter and vanilla. Creamy, buttery and rich on the tongue, very juicy, with plenty of fruity character. The aftertaste is infinitely long and evokes exotic fruit salad, ripe yellow nectarines and lemon tart.
Varietal composition: Chardonnay 100%
Alk: 14.0%
Sugar: dry 0g/l
Ph / vinegar: 3.4 / 65 gr/l
Position: Radic
Area ha for wine: 5 ha
Production kg/ha: 6000 kg/ha
Production: 15,000 – 20,000 bottles Aging: Wooden barrels 300 l 100% / 11 months
Volume: 750ml
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