Gorda Plum Brandy 700ml

Gorda Plum Brandy 700ml
Gorda Plum Brandy is more than brandy, it is an inimitable sense of tradition and craftsmanship that flows through our veins.
In order to experience the breadth of the entire range of sensations in just one sip, Gorda make their brandy from the best plums that are handpicked. Thanks to natural fermentation, without the addition of selective yeasts and enzymes, Gorda plum is a completely natural product.
Copper shine and oak colour are not the only shades that we find in a bottle of Gorda. This brandy is distilled in hand-made copper cauldrons and then matured in barrels made of split lightly toasted oak for another seven years.
Clear dark reddish amber
• Plum jam • Prune • Lightly roasted coffee • Vanilla
• Slight notes of smoke • Marzipan • Nuts
• Light tobacco aromas • Leather
The aromas are confirmed on the taste
• Jam • Balanced alcohol • Lightly roasted coffee
• Cocoa/dark chocolate • Citrus fruits
A long sensation that floats on the palate
The depth, fullness and long pleasant aftertaste leave a challenge
the drink is drunk again!
Alcohol strength: 40 Vol %
Volume: 700 ml
- Details such as bottle labels and vintages could vary and may change from our suppliers without notice. If you require a specific image or label please reach out before ordering.